Do you know that people on average start losing friends after the age of 25?
If you are looking around and wondering “where did all my friends go?” you are not alone.
You want to get your once vibrant social life back but don’t know where to start.
You’re coming out of pandemic life looking to reconnect. Your friends have moved away, or you are starting over in a new place.
There are many reasons that you may find yourself without friends as an adults. AND the good news is there are many women who are longing for a supportive friend group and a genuine sense of community just like you!
This program is designed to help you form real, safe, fulfilling, connected, authentic friendships.
Together, we'll explore the barriers that have got in the way of your connections in the past and work towards creating the vibrant and supportive community you've always dreamed of.
When you don’t have the relationships you want it’s easy to believe there is something wrong. The truth is that your people are out there. Let’s get out and find them!
Don't settle for a life lacking in meaningful connections. It's time to step out and discover the extraordinary bonds that await you!
This is a 5 week program for women who:
want to make friends
want to improve and deepen friendships they already have
want to build the community they desire
Connecting with Self and Others
5 weeks
Starting January
Picture this: you and your close-knit group of friends gathering every Friday at your home to share a meal, while you’re cooking up a feast, swapping stories, and sharing laughter you know you are creating unforgettable memories.
Envision having reliable friends you can call on when your child is sick at school and you know you just can't make it to pick them up. Imagine the peace of knowing that you have people who will be there to step in and lend a hand when you can’t.
Imagine finding the friends that you call to complain to when you’re having one of those days and are a tiny irritant away from loosing your sh*t. You know, the friends you turn to when your world is unraveling, the ones that allow you to vent and help you regain your balance.
Say Yes to
A 5 Week Course
Hi! I’m Andrea. I am a coach and mentor. I have worked with women for over 10 years helping them shift their mindsets, feel more confident and build relationships with those around them.
Are ready to do some personal work and believe you can make changes!
Understand how powerful having community could be.
Are willing to dismantle belief systems that keep you stuck and feeling disconnected.
Are introspective
Are ok with a little woowoo talk about energy
Have good (or okayish) social skills
This might not be the right program for you:
If you have really bad social anxiety or social phobia
If you are looking for a place to practice social skills
Are not ready to step out of your comfort zones
Are looking for a ready made community that you can just step into and become a part of
Are only wanting to blame your circumstances and others for the lack of connected friendships
It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want.
Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.
The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning.

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